Business funding is available
Get up to $180,000 to build your
We help businesses obtain the capital they need to grow or operate their business! In today’s market, raising the initial capital needed for your business is becoming increasingly more challenging. With conventional lenders not approving, more and more business owners are resorting to alternative lending vehicles. The SBA reports that more than 80% of start-ups fail due to under-capitalization. Don’t be part of that statistic. No matter if you’re a start-up or an existing business just needing some working capital, we can help.
- Funding in as Fast as 10 Business days
- No Income Documentation Required
- Credit Lines Start as Low as 0% from 6-24 months
- Typically Blended Rates after the Introduction Period are Approx 9.99%
- Funding up to $180,000 *per borrower
- No Prior Operator Experience Required
- 100% Uncollateralized (signature based)
We have the sources to help you acquire working Capital through a unique proprietary lending platform consisting of multiple unsecured business and personal lines of credit. When SBA and Conventional Banks say NO! We Say YES!!! Our Application Process, Explained by Nick Davis
click here for your
With our 20 point checklist, you’ll learn what the lenders are looking for, where your business fundability strengths are, and what path to take for funding.
Get Funding
We can get you access to more funding options than any other single source on the planet. Most of our funding products are not available through conventional banks.
Blue Clover’s Business Credit Builder Program
Our program will help you build your business’ credit profile so you can finally end your search for funding. It is the most comprehensive program available in the United States!
No Credit Needed… You will achieve funding Regardless of Personal Credit or Business Revenue!
Regardless of your personal credit and regardless of your revenue you can achieve lines of credit. All credit will be in your tax id (EIN) and not you personally. These are true business lines of credit not linked to you personally. Your personal information will not be used for any reason.
Our program is a science, not an art, and it works every time!
- Startups – OK
- No Credit – OK
- No Revenue – OK
- No Personal Guarantee
- Never Submit Your SSN for Approval
- Unsecured & Un-Collateralized
- Rates Typically Range from 8% to 12%
If you are interested in obtaining $50,000 of unsecured credit, please do not hesitate. Reach out to us today to get this program and have our discounted (40% off) price.
We also provide you with your own credit advisor for 6 months who will walk you through the entire process from beginning to end. This ensures no business is left behind!
Looking forward to hearing from you! Call today: 401-236-5060
Our system helps you meet lending criteria, gives you access to more funding sources than anywhere else, and helps you build your business credit.
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